Telephone: 0208 5206756

Mobile: 07922334995

Office Opening Times 8.00am-4.00pm | Monday to Friday

Telephone 020 8520 6756

Office 8.00am-4.00pm | Mon to Fri

Telephone 020 8520 6756

Office 8.00am-4pm | Mon-Fri

Welcome to Shernhall Pre-school

Welcome to
Shernhall Pre-school

Shernhall Pre-school is a friendly and caring multi-cultural pre-school located in the heart of Walthamstow. We are a non-profit making charitable organisation run by a committee of volunteers and parents. We are open during term time for morning and afternoon sessions. In addition, we offer a Lunch Club which enables us to be very flexible and offer full day care as well as half day places. The pre-school takes children from age two years until they are ready to move up to school or a school nursery. Shernhall Pre-school is a common starting point for children who go on to Our Lady and St George’s, Henry Maynard and St Mary’s C of E primary schools which are all just around the corner.

We also offer 2 year FEEE and 30 hours funding, please contact us for more information

Session Times

Term Time only
08.30am – 11.30am Morning session
11.30am – 12.30pm Lunch club
12.30pm – 3.30pm Afternoon session

Please note: You can combine sessions to achieve a partial or full day of care. Subject to availability.

The pre-school is Ofsted registered and was one of the first pre-schools in the London Borough of Waltham Forest to receive the ‘Certificate of Minimum Standards’.
Shernhall Pre-school has over 40 years of childcare experience.

Call us, use the contact us form or pop in to find out more.

We now have an additional mobile number: 07922334995

Our News

We are back for another fun filled learning experience for this  Autumn Term we will be engaging in a variety of activities including –

Themes – Settling in,  All about me,  My family and Languages,  My Body,  My favourite things,  Feelings & Emotions,  Fun with leaves/Exploring pumpkins ,  Dark & Light,  Autumn,  Recycling,  Space Week,  People who help us,  Fun with food,  Celebrations

Celebrating –

Halloween,   Diwali,   Bonfire night,  Remembrance day, Christmas Jumper Day,  Christmas party – maybe a visit from someone special….,

Visits from

The Photographer,       Zoo Lab will be visiting again with their little creatures,

Trips – will be also be planning some little trips too.

Keep an eye out for posters around the setting for more information!


New price for Stay n Play


they will run on Tuesday 9.15am – 11.00am

We will still have a limited amount of places, so it will be first come first served access

We look forward to seeing you in! 

Bring along your little ones for a range of activities every Tuesday between  9:15am – 11am.

£2.00 for first child

Then £1.50 for each additional sibling

Accompaning Adult required.

Please use Rainbow Room entrance for Stay & Play.


Bring along your little ones for a range of activities every Tuesday from 9:15am – 11am.
£2.00 for first child
Then £1.50 for each additional sibling

Accompanying adult required.

Our Activities

We offer children a range of activities which aide both their mental and physical development as they learn through play.